EPC Management ApS is a Danish Limited company, a so-called "anpartsselskab".
EPC Management ApS is owned 100 % by EPC Management Holding ApS. EPC Management Holding ApS is owned 100 % by the founder Dr. M.Sc. Johny Liebst.
As a consultancy engineering company working on an international level, we can offer high quality assistance to our clients in our capacity as specialist in Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management with special focus on the offshore wind industry.
Denmark is one of the leading countries within renewable energy. The danish industry has been a pioneer in the development of offshore wind farms.The people behind EPC Management ApS have been involved in the majority of offshore wind projects from the very beginning, and the company is therefore one of the few consultancy companies enjoying a thorough experience within this industry. Experience is imperative if you want to go through a project without facing substantial unforeseen extra costs.
EPC Management ApS has been acting as:
In addition, the company has more than 25 years of experience gained from successfully completed projects from other civil work sectors. Through a network of highly qualified and experienced collaborators both within the offshore wind industry and other types of civil works, we can offer you the most qualified assistance for all kind of projects including big resource demanding projects.
EPC Management ApS has experience from projects carried out mainly outside Denmark. Principal countries on the list of international experience are England, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine, The Netherlands and Belgium.
The head office of EPC Management ApS is in Aarhus, Denmark.
EPC Management ApS · Hørhavevej 82 · DK-8270 Højbjerg · +45 28 69 03 24 ·